I am about to publish my new book, Gift of Love – my journey begins. I would like to share some words, of hopefully wisdom, from this new book, book 2 of 3, after Messages of Love - my spiritual awakening.
“As time moves on, I seem to have become awakened to what my true purpose is. I am not here to give you enlightened teachings, rather, to assist your heart through healing to become En-light-ened Beings, Beings of the Infinite Light.
We have all become so engrossed in the pain of the past, our hearts have forgotten to shine, or be light-filled. We have forgotten who we are, or maybe we have been too afraid to admit to ourselves who we are through fear of the ego. To mask this fear, our heart-lights have been pushed into the background. Although, in truth, the light is never dimmed, only hidden from view until our awakening or remembering takes place.
Until we say, no more, I am sick and tired of living in the past. Of not forgiving myself or others. Of hiding behind the shadows of our heart-light, En-light-enment will not happen.
My passion from this day forward is to awaken you to who you really are. I know I have already been trying to do this, however, until today I didn’t ‘really’ know why. Now I do. You are not the burdens or darkness from your past. They were only lessons to learn and grow from. You are the light that shines on and from those lessons, understanding they were for your heart-light to grow, to become en-light-ened!
Reflecting on the Heart Light Gatherings, I can see this was the reason I began to do them. My whole being was crying out to bring those who attend, and the outer circles, if I can reach them, back to the inner temple or inner light within the heart.
Up until now I have been shown many, many small pictures hanging up on my wall. I have never been shown the larger picture. The picture hook has been hammered into the wall waiting patiently for the time when the larger picture is placed in its rightful position for all to see, especially me! I have a feeling this may be the day when I see my long awaited picture finally placed into its rightful position!”
From my heart to yours in love. xxx
