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Banana Crumble Loaf - Gluten Free

Writer: Jen-IrishuJen-Irishu

I love this cake. It's moist served up warm with whipped cream or vanilla yogurt.


2 cups almond flour.

2 eggs.

1/4 tsp himilayan salt.

1/3 cup virgin olive oil or softened coconut oil.

1/2 cup maple syrup.

1 tsp vanilla extract.

2 very ripe bananas mashed.


1/4 cup coconut sugar.

1tbsp cinnamon

1/4 cup almond flour.

Maple syrup to combine.

Preheat oven to 150 C. Whisk together the eggs, coconut or olive oil and maple syrup.

Stir in remaining ingredients and mix until well combined.

Pour into a baking paper lined loaf pan.

In a small bown mix all crumble ingredients together.

Crumble over the batter ingredients, making sure the whole top is coated.

Bake for 35-40 minutes until cooked through.

Served warm or cold, buttered, plain or with whipped cream or natural vanilla yogurt.


From my kitchen to yours in love, Jen xxx

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I am based in Brisbane
Queensland Australia
Contact me by email

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