Today it is twelve years since my father left this earth. The poor man suffered for 7 years before his passing with leukemia. He was the bravest man I know. He never complained, he suffered and died with dignity and grace.
Here we are together at a charity ball. He, along with many others through fundraising built a nursing home in our small township. I was a judge for the local 'Queen' to be crowned for the once a year festival. I was privileged to have been the very first one. I was 18.
I miss my dad. He was only 77 when he 'flew'. He missed out on holding his great grand- angels, although according to two of them, he visits their home often to say hello!
In gratitude and love for all you did for us, Dad. I'm sorry I didn't appreciate you more when you were on earth. I loved you, however I don't feel that was enough.
Thank you for all your guidance from the 'other side'. I know you will always be there to guide and love me, Jen xxx
